Pension Plan Sponsor
Our pension offering addresses three major areas of concern that exist in the world of Canadian Defined Contribution (DC) pension programs:
- DC Plan members must take on the responsibility to choose their own pension investments, whether by fund, target date, or risk profile. Research has shown that many employees feel stressed by the burden of self-management for such a large part of their retirement finances.
- DC Pension Plans typically do not offer the same suite of diversified investment solutions as Defined Benefit (DB) Plans. DC pension investments are often limited to public market securities and funds, while DB plans incorporate private equity, real estate, and infrastructure. DB pensions have delivered significantly better returns with less volatility over the last 10 years.
- DC Plan Sponsors may lack the ability to offer the same kind of detailed investment policy framework and rigorous plan governance as their DB peers. Business owners are trying to build not only a competitive pension for staff retention but also have the peace of mind that they have implemented a properly regulated pension program.
Equate Asset Management, in partnership with INTEGRIS Pension Management, is proud to offer a solution to these major issues – all the benefits of a DB pension with respect to investment management and oversight, with the flexibility and cost certainty of a DC structure.